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"Behind Every Boss There's A Bae"
4-Part Series

"I had no intentions on reading this book! I was searching for a book for my sister because she allows to many men to be around nephew (last 8 months, there have been 8 men in her home 😡)and I wanted her to see that this kind of stuff is more common than most think. I read the sample and couldn't put it down. I wish this was required reading for ALL mothers and caregivers. I'm praying she'll read this and GET it."
Through A Child's Eyes
Ann (Verified Purchase)

Look here, I was like hold up wait a minute..... You did your thang..... Let me find out, out that they sleeping on you..... Like I said I was mad I started reading cause it was about to be over but Babyyyyyyyy. My ass is about to start all over again I swear I missed something...... This is best series of books I’ve read in the 21st Century...... Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next..... And they lived happily every after......
Behind Every Boss There's A Bae
(Part 4)
Verified Purchaser

This book needs to be read by every parent , aunt, uncle, teacher mentor. It takes the reader on an emotional roller coaster. Great job Phylllis Forrest.
Deviant : Secrets of a Predator
Verified Purchaser